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![]() We are PAULA & WILLY, passionate about dogs When I was 11, a prestigious Saluki breeder from Uruguay, Mrs. Ivonne de Bourbon from Jinnah al Tayr Kennels presented my parents with a Saluki bitch as a gift for me, under the condition that we would show her at dog shows. My parents were delighted with the present but had no intention whatsoever of attending dog shows; therefore the task of showing Tantana fell in my hands. So, together with who was to become my beloved companion, Tantana, I entered a ring for the first time, and I was hooked. I knew then with absolute certainty that when I grew up I would relate very closely with the world of dogs.
Paula at 11 showing Bash Tantana of Jinnah al Tayr When I turned 13, I asked my parents to give me as a present the complete collection of back issues of “El Mundo del Perro” (The World of Dogs) magazine from where I copied (typing with a typing machine!) the breeder’s bylaws imagining the time when I would be a breeder myself. Those were years filled with illusions, always fantasizing with the time when I would become independent and make my dream as a dog breeder come true. Afterwards I followed different trails, I concentrated in my career, Anthropology, and lived abroad for some years, but dogs and the dream of breeding never abandoned my heart. And I was enormously lucky that my husband shared this passion with me. Along his life, Willy lived with a variety of dogs (and other species of animals) from Whisky, a Fox Terrier Wire that shared his childhood years, to Bonny, a grumpy but affectionate Basset Hound that went through teen-age years with him, and afterwards came Mao a Chinese Shar Pei that Willy brought from the United States when there were none in Argentina. But the dog that left an everlasting impression in him, and of whom he keeps a fond memory, was Jenny, an Irish Wolfhound that lived with his aunt and uncle in a farm in Patagonia where Willy used to spend his summer holidays. The story goes (although there is no certain data to confirm this family legend) that Jenny was a daughter of one of the Irish Wolfhounds that Agustín Nores Martínez used in his crossings to give size to the Dogo Argentino during the “construction” of our national breed.
Willy with Whisky, Bonny the Basset Hound and the Shar Pei, Mao Ever since the summers spent in the company of
Jenny, Willy decided that some day he would have an Irish Wolfhound
himself, but for one or other reason this took longer than he had
imagined. Every time he searched for a breeder, he found that there were
none in Argentina or surrounding countries. Many times he tried to import
a puppy from abroad (in the time where communications without internet,
via letters were way more difficult than they are now) but he wasn’t
successful, either there were no puppies available at the time he wrote or
the breeders didn’t want to send their dogs so far away or else, the whole
business was so expensive that it was impossible to undertake.
Our Dogos: Aspro, Mabra and their puppies This is how we got to the moment when we decided that
it was time to make our dream come true. I wanted to breed dogs and Willy
wanted to have Irish Wolfhounds, so why not breed Irish Wolfhounds? That
is how in 1999 we began a thorough study of the breed, researching
European, British and North American bloodlines, following up on the results of
Specialties around the world. But we were still uncertain about a number of
things: what type of dog should we decide for? How should we undertake the whole
project? I had never seen an Irish Wolfhound live. So I started reading books,
websites, magazines, I signed up in various Wolfhound mailing lists and forums
and read all the information that I got hold of, and slowly started building an
idea of the type of hound that I wanted. This was essentially an athletic dog of
flowing lines, “large and of commanding appearance” as the breed standard states
but yet maintaining its balance, a dog that would reveal its function, a runner,
a wolf hunter. All this had to be
achieved without disregarding health and longevity. We are well aware that this
is a difficult breed to breed; Irish Wolfhounds, as any other giant breed have a
shorter life span (8 years average), therefore it was essential to ensure that
all of our dogs came not only from stable and consolidated bloodlines in type,
but they also had to be stable health wise and hold a good record of longevity.
We were lucky enough to make contact not only with very prestigious breeders but
also with excellent persons who patiently guided us through the process of
selecting our first hounds. THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS DREAM WITH US... ...AND THEN ONE DAY THE WHITE MINIS ENTERED OUR LIVES One summer afternoon as I was reading through a Spanish Dog
Magazine, I run into the picture of a White Miniature Schnauzer. I didn't
know that there were White Schnauzers! We in the family have a Black &
Silver Mini and I always loved the determination and intelligence of this breed. So... there I was, in the game again, I started a thorough
research on the White Minis, and I found out that this is the last of all the
colours to be accepted by FCI, and also that there is still much work to be done
for the breed because the quality of the White Minis isn't still as good as the
other colours of Miniature Schnauzer (each colour is considered as a separate
variety). Soon I had become passionate about the White Minis and I wanted one. Willy travelled to The Netherlands and he brought back as a present for me a fantastic female, a daughter of Phil Blues La Nanasim, whom to my understanding is the most correct White Mini out there, Bella my new girl was a dream. She won our hearts and that is how we started fantasising with the idea of breeding White Minis. For a long time we had been searching for a smaller breed to breed apart from our beloved giants, dogs that would seat on our laps and not crush our bodies!
Boltres Believe in Me (Bella) & Made in Spain Glamour So soon came Made in Spain Glamour from Spain, afterwards Peter & Ingrid from Roxy’s Pride Kennel in The Netherlands trusted us with a beautiful male, It is Now or Never of Roxy’s Pride is his name. In the process, we became good friends with Ana Clara Alves (Southern Soul Kennel - Brazil) and decided to work together for the improvement of this breed, many of our dogs are co-owned with her and most of our breeding decisions are shared and discussed with her. That is how in 2007 we added the adorable White Minis to
our Irish Wolfhounds of SUDESTADA. Now we all form a 'multi-sized' family.
We sincerely hope that our work and enthusiasm with this versatile and beautiful
breed contributes to the improvement of these fantastic dogs.
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